Automatic PDF Processor 1.27.1 for iphone instal
Automatic PDF Processor 1.27.1 for iphone instal

Automatic PDF Processor 1.27.1 for iphone instal

Reimplement draw/signature/annotate widget to preserve original image size when annotating and improve resize performance (#960).Add browser-based transformation (#171).Fix: undesired newlines in print view in select/select1 labels (#957).Fix: further simplify geopicker widget selector (#954).Add support for LineString and Polygon GeoJSON types (#554).

Automatic PDF Processor 1.27.1 for iphone instal

  • feat(app): add enketo namespace to all debug statements (#547).
  • Use exponential backoff for submission attempts in offline mode (#543).
  • Automatic PDF Processor 1.27.1 for iphone instal

    changed: updated Slovak translation (#542).Use client-side transform for preview-by-URL (#540).Use pm2-runtime on docker/ (#533).Fix: validate CSV header names according to XML spec (#530).fixed: The app UI strings in newly created repeats are not translated (#527).Not considered a breaking change because usage outside of OpenClinica is not known removed: analog-scale widget (#525) Note: now maintained by OpenClinica ().Fix: Respect existing val of type='time' (enketo-core#980).Fix: TOC navigation in pages theme (enketo-core#983).Fix: gracefully handle undefined key (enketo-core#978).Optimizations: do less redundant work, part 2 (enketo-core#976).Make pdf generation timeout configurable (#560).Fix import error for enketo-transformer/web (enketo/enketo-transformer#184).Temporarily roll back buggy optimizations of enabling/disabling widget instances (enketo/enketo-core#990).Fix: don't display "ghost option" for itemsets with Likert appearance (enketo/enketo-core#992).Fix: include widgets with 'form' selector (enketo/enketo-core#993).Use map instead of object for cached conversion of XPath expression.Fix: global initialization of widgets where repeat count is zero (enketo/enketo-core#994).Fix: multiple "static" itemset datalists in the same repeat (enketo/enketo-core#995).Update Docker base image to Node 16 (#578).This project adheres to Semantic Versioning. Enketo Express for KoboToolbox is running! Please access Enketo forms from your KoboToolbox installation.Īll notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

    Automatic PDF Processor 1.27.1 for iphone instal