How to keep source formatting in word 2003
How to keep source formatting in word 2003

how to keep source formatting in word 2003

'WARNING THIS METHOD IS VERY VOLATILE, PAUSE THE APPLICATION TO SELECT THE SLIDE To implement this method along with any of its different options, do the following: 'Create a new slide in the Presentation, set the layout to blank, and paste range on to the newly added slide. The reason why is because it is extremely volatile, and we must slow down our script to a snail’s pace! Now while this method is a completely valid way to paste, achieving this in VBA can be a little challenging. When we use this method it’s like we are right-clicking on the slide and pasting the object on to the slide. Let’s explore the different ways to paste. It’s pasting the object that is causing the problem. Now looking at your code, you are pretty much good to go on the first two. SEE "MultiPress hotkey function.Let’s break this problem into a few different parts: timings here seem about right but you can fiddle with the Sleep and delay settings (currently the latter is 175) Ctl+v pressed repeatedly, just with a little more time between presses, still pastes formatted text hit Ctl+v twice really fast to paste unformatted text I very likely cribbed the timer routine (that decides whether Ctrl+ V twice in quick enough succession) from a generous AutoHotkey expert, but am unable to give them their due credit now. Please consult the AutoHotkey docs for details on how this works. But if you want a separate shortcut such as Ctrl+ Shift+ V, follow the shortcut definition line with the portion of the code beginning with beginning on the line after CopyUnformattedFromClipboardand continuing through and including the next Return (delete everything else). My particular shortcut is Ctl+v pressed twice in very quick succession, just because I find it easier to remember than a combo like Ctrl+ Shift+ V. Note that this script preserves the original content of the Windows clipboard so that you can still paste formatted text if you need it elsewhere or change your mind. The code excerpt below shows how I'm currently doing it in AutoHotkey. AutoHotkey is great for the purpose, if you need or might use it for other reasons as well. But I'm with a general solution for that works throughout Windows is even better. Resari's Word-specific, one-step shortcut is much better than having to learn and execute a sequence of keypresses every time you need to paste unformatted text.

How to keep source formatting in word 2003